Friday, 20 August 2010

Gosupermodel uk

Yes, some very bad news...
So if you might not know the UK goSupermodel has shut down and many UK goSupermodelers are so upset with our admin they delete there us accounts! NOW WHAT CAN THAT DO?
They are very mad. Some come back and some don't. I know that you guys really miss the UK but we can't
get it back so instead if you still don't know admin has given us a starter pack.
They give you a free membership 90days 12000 goMoney and 1666 fame. Don't you think that's enough and 
even if your not that satisfied you can get all your days that you paid for if you had a membership. here's what you do.

1. Go to help at the top left conner
2. then go to support then got to my model and then go to if this did not help write to Admin 
3. then write your name and password. in the box and your days are automatically transferred to your model but admin message's you first or she just might add them so wait about 3 days and go to my membership and  then check how many membership days you've got. ..

This blog I am writing now Is all about what happened in the UK gosupermodel and what you can now do if you still want to play on the gosupermodel site.

Just enjoy what you have...

Screen shots:



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